Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan 5779 (2018)

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8 thoughts on “Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan 5779 (2018)

  1. Tekoa

    Look at you making a video❤️
    I love that your cat joined you for this month. I’m feeling a void and all the emotions you mentioned, but also excited about all the month has in store for us.
    Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Sharleen Wilkens

    I love that you are making this a video. I really like when you spoke of doing a journal. I haven’t journaled for awhile and this brought it back to me as what I need to be doing. So will be doing that.
    I love the fall and winter it’s a time of rest for me. A place where I can more reading done because I not so busy outside in the yard or garden and my canning is done. But I really enjoyed how you incorporate the meanings of the words in all that what this month means and represents, especially the part on smell. So many scriptures show how the word aroma is used by the Lord and I always sensed that meant something pleasing as it was said. I pray that we all come into being that aroma, smell as we are entering into another month. Cheshvan. Thanks again for this word.

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  3. jbstan7

    chiming in with many thanks for this ‘moonthly’ update 🙂
    I am starting off excited because in this last year in Alabama the study group was finishing up year three of the triennial way of studying Torah. I have been thru the annual before and for me this whole year out of the annual had me feeling out of step with the ‘family’–it was harder to prepare at some points and definitely harder to keep up with both styles. You speak of distractions…well definitely I was distracted from a what each portion is teaching in connection with the month, the tribe, mazel and middot…etc. —-the BigPicture. Just generally no time for that deeper look-see. I was in the ‘wrong’ part for the weekly Shabbat!!
    I got my bearings in Elul as Deuteronomy was winding down for both portion styles and excitement grew for me at the prospect of returning to the annual style.
    My intention is to connect the dots in a more purposeful looking/focusing. I have some dust and maybe a little slumber/confusion to shake off.
    This video has helped me to remember ‘how’ ‘why’ to re-focus and pay attention!!
    Good call out to the body….!! thank you again…

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  4. Darlene

    Thank-you for doing the video…I really enjoyed the information being presented this way. And thank you for the reminder about not paying attention to the counterfeit things going on in “the world” and paying attention to the Torah portions and the spiritual things. BTW, love the cat. Shalom and have a very blessed month.

    May it be Your will Yahweh our Elohim and Elohim of our fathers, that You renew for us a good month in our Master Yeshua the Messiah…Amein.

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  5. Tara

    Thank you so much for making a video. It is so much easier to listen as I drive and it has me thinking and communicating with Yah throughout the day. Lots of good nuggets you pulled out and many more to search out. Thanks again!

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  6. Pingback: A Voice is Heard in Ramah Part I | GRACE in TORAH

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